OpenComputers v13 Tutorial 1 Blocks and Items (English) , Tutorials/Piston uses – Official Minecraft Wiki, OpenComputers v13 Tutorial 6 Servers (English) , OpenComputers Large Scale 3D Printing Example by gr8 b8 m8, OpenComputers v13 Tutorial 8 Robots (English) · Minecraftにクエストの概念を導入。今回はこれに沿って進んでいく。 BetterFps 軽量化MOD OpenComputers ComputerCraftと同じように、プログラムを組んで色々できるMOD。 OpenMobsLib 前提 Ore Excavation 一括破壊系MOD。特定のキーを押しながら出ないと発動しないので、誤爆率低め(しないとは言ってない) Ore · Opencomputers ICBMClassic Addon Mod 1122 is added into the Minecraft game with the addition of an API for OpenComputers Let's read the article below if you want to know more about how effectively it works Basically, the mod aims to add a useful API to OpenComputers in order to integrate with ICBMClassic
Mod解説 Big Extreme Reactors Part 1 基礎から他では教えてくれないことまで Youtube